
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Disappearing 9-Patch

When Christine mentioned using pieced blocks in the Disappearing 9-Patch pattern on the Quilting Forum, I thought it was brilliant. I immediately thought of the 6 inch patchwork heart blocks we're making this month for the block lotto and what a great setting this could be for them.

I had to try it . . . and then, I liked the results so much I had to share.

1. Start with 4 pieced blocks. (If you like these hearts, you'll find the pattern here.)

Red Heart Blue Heart
Green Heart Purple Heart

2. Add 5 squares of fabric the same size as the pieced blocks and make a 9-Patch with the pieced blocks in the corners. If your blocks have a right-side-up AND you want all the blocks to be right-side-up in the finished quilt, start with two of them, in diagonally opposite corners, upside down.

Make  A 9-Patch

3. Press your 9-patch block, then cut into 4 equal quarters.

Quarter the Block

4. Rotate the two upside down blocks (or any opposite corners if they are non-directional) and sew the 4-patch together.

Rotate 2 Opposite Corners

5. All done!

Disappearing 9-Patch with Pieced Blocks.