I had to try it . . . and then, I liked the results so much I had to share.
1. Start with 4 pieced blocks. (If you like these hearts, you'll find the pattern here.)

2. Add 5 squares of fabric the same size as the pieced blocks and make a 9-Patch with the pieced blocks in the corners. If your blocks have a right-side-up AND you want all the blocks to be right-side-up in the finished quilt, start with two of them, in diagonally opposite corners, upside down.

3. Press your 9-patch block, then cut into 4 equal quarters.

4. Rotate the two upside down blocks (or any opposite corners if they are non-directional) and sew the 4-patch together.

5. All done!

You've done it again, now I have to go try this! Thanks for the picture tutorial!
This is AWESOME! What a GREAT idea! I just took an amazing trip and wanted to make a wall hanging using some photos printed on fabric...I think I'll try this technique for that! I love the idea of this block (I haven't acutally used it yet), and think you've opened up a whole new world of possibilities for it!
Phenominal! Glad you gave it a go!
about.com forum
A very nice idea.
What a great variation on the DNP - would be excellent for using directional fabrics (like I Spy) too!!
I've added a link to this tutorial on my blog as I have other links to DNP ideas. Hope that is ok :)
WOW.. I have been looking at all the websites that get posted, and all the blocks that I want to try, but THIS ONE is at the TOP of my list. This is just gorgeous, and I love the idea of cutting them apart and replacing them in a different sequence. Way to go.
Thanks for this great idea. I have a lot of hearts sent for hugs quilts and American Hero quilts, and this will be a great way to put them together quickly!
i really love your blocks with the hearts. i need to make a quilt like this..................scrappy in all colors i think.
joan in indiana
One of the ladies who won a set of hearts in the monthly block lotto is using this setting--I can't wait to see it.
Great idea, I just organized all my scraps & orphan blocks & I was wondering how to use up the smaller ones. Love it, thanks for sharing with us.
This may be the best tutorial on the net. I'm new to quilting and feel so overwhelmed most of the time.
I'm making this one.
I didn't turn any hearts upside down and the hearts were all up right, just the center squares were going in the opposite direction. This makes a great friendship block quilt.
Thank you for the pictures and tutorials. Love the shortcuts and directions.
What a great idea! I have some similar heart blocks and didn't know what to do with them...until now! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity.
I just love your idea.
Thanks a lot.
This is GORGEOUS!!! I love the idea!
I just made a regular disappearing 9-patch and I think I see another one in my future! Thanks for the great tutorial and what a fantastic idea! Sew Cute!
I think I shall be visiting your blog a lot from now on! Thank you for helping me to generate some more ideas for the quilt challenge that I am taking part in.
Thanks for the pieced disappearing nine patch. I have done disappearing nine but never this way./great idea.thanks again
For those who are directionally challenged... Sew the four corners upright; cut as shown, then EXCHANGE the two diagonal squares. The results will be the same, and you don't have to flip. This works very nicely when the side fabric prints (the ones that get cut) are also directional!
Wonderful picture series!
What fun! I love this! This tutorial is a home run! Keep 'em coming!
Clever idea. Thanks for passing it along in such a nice way!
This is a great idea! Thanks for posting it. Guess you could use any block in place of the heart - just need to orient as you have done if they're directional.
I never would have thought of this. Opens up lots of possibilities for different shapes.
Thank you very much for this tutorial. I had out my graph paper and was going to try and figure out how to sew in those directional corner squares so they all came out correctly, but you have done it for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
What a fantastic way to use the DNP block....opens up so many opportunities for all sorts of NP blocks....thankyou for your wonderful imagination and ability. I am making heart charity quilts and was looking for new ways to put hearts on a quilt without repeating the same patterns....thanks so much
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